
AYL forums.

We are just about finished with work for the new AYL forums. It will be a place for you to place "tastefull" comments about anything outdoor oreinted. got a gripe with a land agency? Found a great destination. got a question about how to fix your snowmobile? you can sound off on our forums. We hope they are up and running by my birthday on July 16th.

Thanks Chad

Has anyone used the new ATV trail disc for Utah?

The new ATV trail discs are out now from the state of Utah. They are free! Has anyone had a chance to use one yet. I would love to hear your coments about the new and improved trail CD


Life is precious!

Monday, I was saddened at the passing of a friend of mine. Kim Gregson, brother in law to Cobalt Boat Dealer, Taylor Richards passed away from brain cancer.

Kim was one of those guys who would lite up a stadium full of people just by being there. His smile was as big as all outdoors as was his enthusiasm and his heart. He was the kind of guy you could meet once and he could easily change the direction of your life. I don't think he ever realized how much influence he had on his casual aquaintences. I am here to tell you it was profound.

This was a man I truly liked and admired for his level calmness. He left behind a terrific family, as far as I could see from attending the funeral. It was a great service and the talk by Taylor's father (Kims father-inlaw) and the bennedition by Taylor were moving. I gained new respect for Taylor from his remarks.

I'm just sayin....

Busy weekend. Chad and Corby appear at two Utah outdoor festivals

This Saturday, June 14th we will be in Salt Lake City appearing at two outdoor events. From noon to 6 PM in downtown Salt Lake at the Gallivan Center we will be appearing at the Summer Rec Fest. Corby will be judging the dutch oven cookoff with the event sponsor and Roger B. Chad will be the M.C. of the music programs. The summer Rec fest is an urban oriented outdoor festival with vendors, acts, entertainment for the city bound outdoor enthusiast. If you plan to be in the city, stop by and say hello. We will be signing autographs at our booth.

Across teh City at the Canyon Rim Park is the Venture outdoor festival. Cast member Steve Heumann will be giving a boating seminar at 3:30 and AYL will sponsor an emergency preparedness seminar at 5:30 with Outdoor adventurer Andrew Gordon. AYL will be sponsoring ATV education classes all day along with the help of High Adventure Motorsports and Can-Am. Kids can come get their ATV operatiors permits and ride ATVs at the AYL "Field of Fun". You can also check out many of the new Can AM products including the new Spyder. Chad will arrive at 5:30 to meet people and sign autographs.

Slow at responding

Gene Ockert from Nevada Backroaders. If you check this blog, I just got your comment of 5 months ago and would like to hear from you. try the e-mail at the website again. As far as I know it should be working.

Wash our fingers out with soap!!!!

Carl "The One Who Dares". caught us on a big bad. On a recent show in the Las Vegas Market, we misspelled the name of the town Henderson (we typed Hendersen) Whick is all the less acceptable because the graphic was created by Steve Heumann who is our local having spent several years living Las Vegas. Some of our outsiders could be excused.

Regardless, Carl thanks for pointing it out and if you will send us an address and a shirt size, we will mail you an AYL Shirt.