
Utah State OHV map disks

Chad here: Last Sunday we aired a story about a new disk that Utah State Parks has prepared highlighting hundreds of miles of ATV and OHV trails around the state. You can print out maps, or download the way points onto your own GPS. Since we aired the story we have had hundreds of requests for copies of the disk, which At Your Leisure is distributing to our viewers free of charge. Any of you out there who will be receiving them in the next day or two, we would appreciate your comments about the maps, information and how the disks work overall.

Happy riding, Chad.


New Victory Motorcycle worth seeing

Tomorrow, Monday April 30th, the new Victory Vision will be unvieled at Tri City Performance in Centerville. It starts at 2:00 and I hope to be there right when the door opens!!!! This bike replaces the Classic Victory cruiser with windscreen and hard case saddle bags as the ultimate long haul bike.

From the pictures I have seen the Vision takes the best of the V Twin feel, torqure and ride and couples it with the creature comforts of the civilized road bikes (ala Gold Wing). But the one thing that is still "all american" is that the V-Twin is still visible to the passing eye. There is no doubt what rumbles at the heart of this bike. I looks like the saddle is low, like they have done with the King Pin, Hammer etc. But the streamlined full faring looks like there is plenty of "on board" so important for those long road trips. Back passenger gets a good view from a higher seat and there is plenty of luggage space that looks integrated instead of after thoughted. ( I don't think that is a real word, but if fit)

I am going to try to talk our product reviewer into coming out tomorrow after his real job to eye this one up. If you are a bike enthusiast, why not join us then give this blog your thoughts.

Thanks Chad.


Shoot your own story for AYL

We were discussing a couple of months ago, about letting some of our fans and viewers take their own mini DV and DVD cameras out to rides and events and shooting their own stories. We would take the video and edit it into a feature on our show. If we selected your story, you could be on At Your Leisure along with your family and friends. What do you think about it.


Where to next!

This weekend.. we will be shooting wraps again! ( We have a fun job!) Saturday morning, March 31st, we will start the day at City of Rocks. It is a very cool and historical location filled with granite walls (perfect for climbing and rappelling, and boulders galore (the favorite of the Booth Girls) We wills start about 9 AM. If you are in the area stop by and say Hi.

In the afternoon, we are off to Burley Idaho to raft on the Snake River. Sunday Morning at either 9 or 10 we are meeting with an ATV club in Mountain Home Idaho to ride on the Danskin Trail. A very unique ATV trail in central Idaho. If you would like to join the ride, bring your own ATVs, your good trail etiquite and safety equipment and join us. E mail for directions. Amy and Greg Barlow from ATV Rentals of Utah along with their kids will be joining us for the ride and the show. We will follow up this post with a report on the weekend.

Do you know of any good ATV trails in Idaho?

Jeeps at Havasu.

I had a first last week when I went jeeping with the Total Karnage and
Vegas Valley Jeep clubs..... I was in a 4 wheel rig when it went wheels up!

It was a very slow motion experience. Fortunately the skill of the driver, and his desire to keep his 6 passenger Longhorn in tact got us out of the spot with not a single scratch in the paint. The rig belonged to John and Martha Zerbless (I hope I spelled that right). The trail did no Karnage to their rig.... but I did. I was climbing in while on camera, and the nylon strap handle grip on the roll bar ripped apart when I tried to lift my carcass into the modestly lifted rig. I offered to replace it, but they were such good sports, they wouldn't let me. Thanks J & M, you are the greatest.

During the interveiw, Debbie Woolsey said that a scratch or a dent is a good thing! She called it a beauty mark. I am curious as to what the general thinking is about spending thousands of dollars building a custom rig to climb over impossible obstacles with the intention of beating and breaking it.... I guess that falls into the catagory of.. "You wouldn't understand.. its a jeep thing!"

Is this a sport for the sane?

At Your Leisure in Idaho?, Montana?, Wyoming?, Arizona?!

This morning, I drove to Pocatello to meet with Bill Fouch, the general manager of KPVI TV. It is an NBC affiliate in Pocatello. It is owned by Sunbelt Television group, with stations in Yuma Arizona; Las Vegas, Reno, Ely, Elko, Winnemucca, Tonapah Nevada; Jackson, Casper, Cheyenne, Sheridan Wyoming, Helena, Great Falls, Havre and Lewiston Montana. Mr. Fouch is also a senior vice president of the group. They are considering joining the At Your Leisure family of stations and this was the first of what we hope will be many visits to bring our outdoor message to your friends, relatives and fellow outdoor recreationists across the west. With so many places to visit, so many activities to engage in, and so many critical land and water issues to get before the public, we hope we can join these markets. To that end, if you pick our show up on the web, or sattelite or know anybody living in these areas, drop them an e-mail or give them a call and have them contact Mr. Fouch with their views on our show.

You could also drop Corby and I a note on the blog to let us know what you think about At Your Leisure in all the states you play in.



Well, as we have promised on our TV Show, At Your Leisure, here is our new blog. We have just returned from a shooting trip in Southern Utah and Southern Nevada.

We shot one show just outside of St. George at the future sight of their new airport. Currently there is a dirt strip on private land that is used by a group of powered parachute pilots. We joined them for a day of flying. Powered parachutes look like a big acrobatic parachute attached to a three wheeled go cart with an airplane propeller on the back.

The chutes puff up when you hit the throttle and they can take off in as little as 150 feet. They travel at about 25 miles per hour and have a glide ratio of 3 to 1. now that doesn't sound like much of a glide path until you do the math. At a full loss of power, if your craft glides out of the sky, your vertical speed is only 8 miles per hour, about the same speed as jumping off the hood of a car.

We felt that the craft were safe enough to let our kids take a ride. Of course, our dog, Smudge gave the plane his seal of approval. He immediately went over the the chute lying on the ground and peed on it! That dog is a complete embarrassment. It is a good thing he is so cute!

The ride was a blast. Because you are in the open air, and because the craft moves so slow, the sensation is like those flying or floating dreams you have where you just lift up off the earth light as air and float around. You can see for miles. It is something we recommend.

During the flight, the pilot did a "corkscrew" decent and both Corby and Maggie let out a "roller coaster" scream. We could hear it from a thousand feet. Kira, our 15 year old, was far to cool for that and she said it wasn't scary enough for her. She tends to be an adrenaline junkie.

Of course, the craft are only built for one pilot and one passenger, so we had to take turns. As you will discover about our daughters, it doesn't take much to keep them occupied while waiting on our television shoots. Kira and Maggie quickly found some abandoned irrigation equipment and made their own amusement ride while we were shooting. One girl would climb in the center of the spoked wheel and bend over the center shaft hooking feet around spokes and holding on with their hands. The other one would roll the wheel around in circles. It was hilarious.

Our second shoot was an ATV ride with the Kokopeli ATV club in Mesquite Nevada. This was quite a ride as we went up on Mormon Mesa, rode through a forest of Joshua Trees and arrived at the gateway trail to the Mormon Mountains. It is a pretty easy ride, and good for beginners until you drop off the mesa and head to the mountains. The club rides together often, and does quite a bit of clean up in the area. It was a pretty ride. This club is very safety conscious. And if you travel with them they will always stop and help those with less experience get over the rough spots.

Not to be outdone by our dog, one of the member's dog waited till we were shooting a take for the show and pooped right in plain sight of the camera. That will be one for the next blooper show... or should we say pooper show.

We didn't tell the group this, but after we had gone about 1/3 of the way... Corby brought to my attention that only one of our two Polaris ATV's had been filled up with gas, and we had less than a quarter tank. Fortunately we had a Can Am "two up" with us that had been loaned by High Adventure Motorsports. So we had an extra seat. We had to leave the Polaris and pick it back up on the way back to town.

At the same time we discovered the one ATV was low on gas, our other Polaris developed a flat tire. So with the help of the club members, we took a tire off of the low gas machine and moved it to the full machine. Such is the challenge you will not see when this show hits the air this weekend, but now you know.... the rest of the story.