
Utah State OHV map disks

Chad here: Last Sunday we aired a story about a new disk that Utah State Parks has prepared highlighting hundreds of miles of ATV and OHV trails around the state. You can print out maps, or download the way points onto your own GPS. Since we aired the story we have had hundreds of requests for copies of the disk, which At Your Leisure is distributing to our viewers free of charge. Any of you out there who will be receiving them in the next day or two, we would appreciate your comments about the maps, information and how the disks work overall.

Happy riding, Chad.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I just seen this tonight on TV, I know, where have I been! But If one is still available or should I wait for July's version to come out? But I sure would love to get a copy:)

Keep up that GREAT WORK :)

Anonymous said...

I think this is just great! I would love to get a copy of this CD. Will you please let me know if I can get a copy of this version or should I wait until the new version comes out in July as I just heard on your show tonight?
I am excited to get it either way. I think you are all doing a great job! Hmmm, are you in need of any help in Vegas area? :)

Thanks Again!


At Your Leisure TV said...

Dave, click on the button for the disk on the At Your Leisure website, fill in your address and we will send you a disk. As for jobs, send us an e-mail..

At Your Leisure TV said...

Heck, they are free. go ahead and splurge!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your next season! I don't get to watch all your show's but the ones I do get to watch, I love every minute of it! Thanks again and keep up the great work!
